Thursday, September 17, 2009


love love
love love love
always love
love always
love love
and if you can't
and if you can't
and find
and love the little scrap
that you love

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Do you ever touch a flower petal and it's soft
So soft
That it can hardly be true?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Darren, who informs me he's
fresh from two years of abject failure in Vegas
("When I went, I had my own restaurant...
I left on a Greyhound bus with five dollars in my pocket"),
riding the #21 bus at 1AM with a black eye so severe
his whites are red and his pupil's white, says,
"Test my memory, Jill. Are you game?
Give me your phone number,
let's see if I can remember it."

I hope when he calls, he makes reservations for a Thursday,
that's a slow night at 612-870-1230.